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Our Cosmetic Dermatology Services

We are proud to offer several cosmetic treatment options that are non-surgical, require little to no downtime, and produce natural-looking, beautiful results. Browse treatment options below and call our office at (270) 663-1078 to learn more or to schedule an appointment with one of our physicians.

Click the Facebook icon to view our page, and "Like" us for notification of cosmetic specials!

Click the Brilliant Distinctions icon to enroll in a loyalty program offering savings to patients who use Botox, Juvederm Ultra, Juvederm Voluma and/or Latisse.


How does it work?

Botox temporarily reduces the contractions of the muscles that cause wrinkles. By relaxing the muscles, the overlying skin becomes smoother. Several tiny injections are administered directly into the muscles that cause lines and wrinkles. Botox is commonly used to treat wrinkles located across the forehead, at the crow's feet area, and for frown lines which occur between the eyebrows (the glabella).

Will there be any downtime?

You may resume normal activities immediately. Avoiding vigorous exercise or laying flat is recommended for a few hours following treatment. Temporary redness or swelling at the injection site may occur. Many patients undergo Botox during their lunch break and return to work after injections.

How long does a Botox treatment last?

Results may vary. Generally, after three to four months, the Botox effects will begin to fade and facial features will gradually return to their former state. Maintenance treatments are necessary to keep the effect of Botox for long periods of time.

Does it hurt?

The only pain or discomfort is a slight pin-prick sensation from the small needle injecting the Botox. If necessary, ice or a topical anesthetic may be applied prior to treatment.

Will Botox make me look fake?

Botox is a technique-sensitive treatment. You should not lose the ability to show expression when you are treated by someone who is licensed, trained, and a medical expert in facial anatomy. All Botox injections delivered at Dermatology Center of Owensboro are performed by a licensed medical physician, never a medical assistant, nurse, or aesthetician. It is important to talk to your doctor about the results you want from Botox treatment, and realistic expectations will be discussed.

How expensive is Botox?

We deliver Botox for $11.50 per unit. Each patient differs in facial muscle strength and desired results, and thus treatment doses vary per individual. However, an average dose for Botox is typically 24 units per area (forehead, crow's feet, glabella/frown lines), or $276 per area, $828 for all three. Be sure to like us on Facebook or call our office at (270) 663-1078 to be notified of any special pricing opportunities. Additionally, you may enroll in the Brilliant Distinctions program at for additional savings.

Dermal Fillers

How does it work?

Dermal fillers such as Juvederm Ultra, and Juvederm Voluma are made of substances found naturally within the human body hyaluronic acid: natural components of skin). Dermal fillers are injected into the skin where they attract and hold water, giving a plumped appearance. Thus, depending on the volume injected, depth of injection, and technique applied, dermal fillers can be used to reverse volume loss in the apples of the cheeks which occurs due to aging, to reduce or eliminate lines and wrinkles, or to improve the appearance of scarring indentations. Dermal fillers are commonly used to replace volume in the apples of the cheeks, to mask under-eye bag/circles, and to soften or eliminate lines around the mouth, lips, and chin (such as so-called marionette lines, nasolabial folds, and smoker's lip lines).

Will there be any downtime?

You may resume normal activities immediately. Avoidance of vigorous exercise or laying flat is recommended for a few hours following treatment. Temporary redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection site may occur. Swelling is most prominent during the 24 hours following injection, and bruising, if it occurs, may take up to two weeks to resolve. Therefore, we do not recommend having dermal filler treatment in the week or two just prior to an important event (plan to visit us earlier in advance).

How long does dermal filler treatment last?

Results may vary depending upon an individual's metabolic rate and the type of dermal filler selected for injection. The effects of dermal filler will begin to fade as the body metabolizes the product, and facial features will gradually return to their former state (potentially better than before as some new collagen generation is possible as a result of injection). Generally speaking, Juvederm Voluma is injected deeper into the skin, is best for use in the apples of the cheeks as well as larger laugh-lines and frown-lines around the mouth (nasolabial folds and marionette lines), and lasts 20-24 months (Voluma). Generally speaking, Juvederm Ultra XC is injected more superficially, is best for laugh-lines, frown-lines, and to plump the lips. Juvederm Ultra XC generally lasts for 6-10 months. Juvederm Volbella is best used for lip lines and lasts 6-10 months. Most patients have best results with a mix of filler types to address various concerns. Maintenance treatments are necessary to keep the effect of dermal fillers for longer periods of time.

Does it hurt?

The only pain or discomfort is a pin-prick sensation from the needle injecting the dermal filler. We apply a topical anesthetic prior to treatment to minimize this discomfort, and the dermal filler themselves contain lidocaine anesthetic for enhanced comfort. There may also be mild tenderness of the injection sites lasting a day or two following treatment.

Will dermal filler make me look fake?

Dermal filler injection is a highly technique-sensitive treatment. You should not appear unnatural when you are treated by someone who is licensed, trained, and a medical expert in facial anatomy and dermal filler injection techniques. All dermal filler injections delivered at Dermatology Center of Owensboro are performed by a licensed medical physician, never a medical assistant, nurse, or aesthetician. It is important to talk to your doctor about the results you want from dermal filler treatment, and realistic expectations will be discussed.

How expensive is dermal filler?

Each patient differs in their degree of volume loss, depth of wrinkles, and desired results. Depending upon these factors, anywhere from 1-3 syringes of dermal filler product are needed for the desired results. Often, more than one type of filler is needed to address all of an individual patient's concerns. However, an estimated range for 2-3 syringes of two different filler types is $1,000-$1,500 (or up to $2,000 for three syringes). Be sure to like us on Facebook or call our office at (270) 663-1078 to be notified of any special pricing opportunities. Additionally, you may enroll in the Brilliant Distinctions program at for additional savings.

Click here for a before-and-after photo gallery of real patients treated with Juvederm Voluma, Juvederm Volbella, and Juvederm Ultra XC.


Schedule a free consult for more information and to find out if you are a candidate.


Want longer, fuller, and darker lashes? Latisse is a water-based solution that is applied topically at the base of the eyelashes. It is the only FDA-approved treatment clinically proven to grow lashes. If you stop using Latisse, your eyelashes will gradually return to their former appearance over several weeks to months. For your convenience, Latisse is available to purchase directly from our office. Purchases of Latisse also qualify for special offers via the Brilliant Distinctions progam (see above).

For more information about Latisse, click here.

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Cosmetic Laser Therapy

We are proud to offer a number of different laser treatment options in our office. We have available modalities to treat the following:

  • Removal of brown spots/age spots/sun spots (such as solar lentigines, seborrheic keratoses, and melasma)
  • Removal of angiomas/"red moles"
  • Destruction of facial blood vessels (telangiectasia)
  • Destruction of small "broken blood vessels" on the legs (larger blood vessels typically require sclerotherapy)
  • Removal of facial redness (erythema) due to rosacea, as well as blood vessels due to rosacea

Is there any downtime?

Downtime will differ depending upon the type of lesion treated. In general, you may resume all normal activities following laser treatment. Most lesions will "look worse before they look better"(darkening, bruising, or scabbing may occur). This typically resolves within one to two weeks. Make-up may be applied during this time. Tanning of the skin should be avoided during laser treatments as this could result in the improper targeting of skin pigment instead of targeting the desired lesion. Ask you doctor for more information.

How many treatments are needed?

Again, this varies greatly depending upon each individual patient and the size/number of lesions treated. The desired results of treatment for most of the above conditions is commonly reached within 1-4 treatments. Ask your doctor for a more specific estimate.

Is it painful?

There is typically some short-lived discomfort at the time of each laser burst. This discomfort is commonly compared to the snap of a rubber-band on the wrist. Anesthetics can disrupt the quality of laser treatments due to the changes anesthetics make in the skin, thus it is best avoided for these types of laser treatments.

How much does it cost?

The cost of each laser treatment varies greatly depending upon the number of lesions treated or the percentage of the face involved. In general, the cost of each treatment varies from $100 for a single lesion up to $300 for the entire face.

Laser Tattoo Removal

How does it work?

Laser tattoo removal is achieved by using a laser to target tiny pigment deposits in the skin. The type of laser used may depend upon the color or colors present in the tattoo. Your tattoo with gradually fade with each laser treatment, although not always uniformly.

Is there any downtime?

Some redness, tenderness, and crusting/blistering may occur. The treated area should be kept covered with a bandage following each treatment until healing is complete. You should avoid submersion in the ocean/lakes/rivers/hot tubs/pools during this time to prevent infection.

How many treatments are required?

The number of treatments needed varies greatly depending upon the color and age of the tattoo. Home-made tattoos are the easiest to remove. On average, most professional tattoos can be removed in 10-15 treatments, with treatments at least 2 months apart.

Does it hurt?

Laser tattoo removal can be painful, therefore we anesthetize each tattooed area with lidocaine prior to the procedure. You will feel a pin-prick sensation with the lidocaine injection, followed by a stinging sensation as the lidocaine is delivered.

How much does it cost?

The cost of each laser tattoo removal treatment depends upon the size of the tattoo, with an estimated cost of $50 per square inch of tattoo, per treatment.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is effective for the destruction of hair follicles of black, brown, and blond terminal hairs. Very pale blond hair, white hair, and grey hair do not typically allow the best results with laser hair removal treatment (the target for laser destruction is the pigment within the bulb portion of the hair shaft). Although some patients experience complete and permanent hair removal, only a permanent 80% reduction of hair is guaranteed. An "touch-up" treatment may be needed every 6-12 months for best results long-term.

Is there any downtime?

No. You will be able to resume normal activities immediately following a laser hair removal treatment. However, it is best to avoid sun exposure and tanning of the skin during laser hair removal treatments to avoid the inadvertent targeting of skin pigment rather than hair pigment.

How many treatments are required?

The number of treatments required for the desired results vary per person depending upon skin color, hair color, and density of hair growth (darker hair with lighter skin is easier to treat). Generally speaking, a series of 6 monthly treatments will meet the needs of most patients.

Does it hurt?

There is typically some short-lived discomfort at the time of each laser burst. This discomfort is commonly compared to the snap of a rubber-band on the wrist. A topical anesthetic may be applied prior to the treatment to minimize any discomfort.

How much does it cost?

The cost varies depending upon the size of the surface area undergoing treatment as well as by the number of treatments required (small areas such as the upper lip/chin are cheaper than larger areas such as the legs).

Microdermabrasion Treatments

Did you know that many insurance plans will cover monthly microdermabrasion treatments as a part of "acne surgery" in patients with a diagnosis of acne?

In addition to treating and preventing acne and shallow acne scars, regular microdermabrasion treatments also combat early aging fine lines, hyperpigmentation, photo-damage, surgical scars, and dehydrated skin. DermaSweep microdermabrasion is a favorite for A-list celebrities to get their skin radiant and red carpet ready!

How does it work?

Dermasweep microdermabrasion features a vacuum pump that gently lifts the skin as bristles gently "sweep away" the dead layer of skin in a precise and controlled manner. After the desired level of exfoliation is achieved, the skin is then infused with a paraben-free skin solution such as Kojic acid, Vitamin C, or Salicylic Acid, depending upon the desired targeted results. Best of all, there are no messy crystal particles as there are with many other types of microdermabrasion treatments.

Multiple treatments are needed for the best results.

Does it hurt?

No. Most patients enjoy microdermabrasion treatments as they would a deep facial treatment.

Is there any downtime?

Some redness may be present following treatment, but typically resolves in as little as 30 minutes to one hour.

How much does it cost?

The cost is $85 per treatment, with an additional $30 per post-exfoliation epi-infusion.

Click here to learn more about DermSweep microdermabrasion and to read testimonials about its results.

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